10. Improvement of addiction treatment options and modern drug policy

Many people with an addiction, especially women, engage in sex work in order to finance drugs and ensure their survival. In order to improve the living situation and sexual self-determination of this group, which is subject to multiple forms of discrimination, needs-based prevention and treatment services in the field of addiction are vital. These include low-threshold substitution treatment with all available substitutes and original substances and different forms of administration. Detoxification and withdrawal measures, as well as other outpatient and inpatient psychological and

psychiatric help should be available promptly. It is also necessary for the establishment of nationwide drug consumption rooms (especially for women), which offer protection and safety during consumption.

Addiction is a disease. Drug addicts cannot be cured by fines, community service and prison sentences. Drug users must be decriminalized and the substances which they are addicted to must be dispensed under state control.