What do I need to have clarity over?
Each and every day, countless clients demand for sexual services. In our society, however, sex work is still not recognised as a “normal” profession.
As a result, many sex workers keep their job a secret. Leading a double life can become very exhausting in the long run and may cause a great deal of psychological distress. Whenever sex workers are honest about their profession, however, it also comes with its price, potentially leading to problems in the family, with partners, and amongst friends.
Therefore, you should think carefully about who you want to trust with your profession. Considering the safest circumstances and right timing to out yourself are also important factors. Asking for advice from fellow sex workers can be helpful in this regard.
The selling of sexual services is completely different to sexual encounters within private relationships: sex within sex work is a service in return for payment, where the satisfaction of the client’s needs is the main focus.
Different clients may search for a great array of services. To simply “spread your legs” oftentimes does not suffice: depending on the workplace, i.e. massages or role play may be requested, requiring communicative skills or a lively imagination.
There are also differences in the number of clients you attend to and the time spent with each of them.
Important: Only you decide what you are and are not willing to do.
Many sex workers, for example, do not offer French kissing at work, because they perceive it as something intimate, reserved for their private relationships.
Others do not drink alcohol while at work.
Similarly, you decide on each and every service you may be willing to offer – including “standard services”.
Regularly check-in with yourself where your limits lie, because they can change over time and depending on your experiences.
Never allow yourself to be persuaded to do something that could harm you, e.g. vaginal or anal sex without a condom. Make it clear to your clients that you are not available for ‘bareback’ sex. You can also refer to the Prostituiertenschutzgesetz [Prostitutes Protection Act] : The law stipulates that, in sex work, sexual intercourse without a condom is illegal, and clients can be heavily fined if they have sex without a condom.
“Standard Services” of sex workers
“Vorspiel Französisch” (“French Foreplay”)
Licking/sucking the penis (“blowjob”) or vulva
“Französisch total” (“Total French”)
Blowjob including ejaculation
“Handentspannung” (“Handjob”)
Touching the penis with your hands including ejaculation
“Spanisch” (“Spanish”)
Massaging the penis between the breasts to the point of ejaculation
“Russisch” (“Russian”)
Massaging the penis between the thighs to the point of ejaculation
Vaginalverkehr (Vaginal intercourse)
“Natursekt” (“Golden Shower”)
Peeing into the mouth/onto the body
“Griechisch” / Analverkehr (“Greek”)
anal intercourse